Monday, December 24, 2012

No Vacancy

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7 (KJV)

Years ago, whenever our family traveled, my brother sat in the back seat of the car searching through the AAA motel listing. When he found motels where he thought we should stay, he called out their names and the reasons they qualified. At first his main criterion for a motel was a television in the room, but soon the luxury of color television became a requirement.

As Dad drove on, my siblings and I watched for motels and read the “vacancy” and “no vacancy” signs to our parents. It was always a letdown to my brother when “no vacancy” flashed in front of the motels with color TV, and worse yet when Dad pulled into the lot of a motel that had “vacancy” but no television at all. Although there was griping, there was always a comfortable room for the five of us to stay the night.

Mary and Joseph were also faced with no room in the inn. Tired from travel, Mary needed a place to stay to give birth to the Savior, God incarnate. Luxury was what we wanted, but a humble abode, a place open to receive Him, was all the Father wanted for His son. Today, the Savior continues to be met with “no vacancy” signs or “no room in the inn” posted on the hearts of humankind. He doesn’t need a perfect or clean resting place; He simply wants a place in our lives.

Prayer: Father, may my heart always have room for you, forsaking all else that might encroach the space that is yours. Amen.

© 2012 Nance

1 comment:

Evelyn R. said...

Nance, what a marvelous story, one that is familiar as I remember our yearly travels to Georgia for our summer vacations. You do a wonderful job writing devotionals. God bless you.