“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16 (NKJV)
Why are the Wise Men called
Wise Men? Surely not because they were rich because there are many affluent
people who are neither very smart nor extremely wise. All we have to answer the
question are their actions: They saw the star, decided to follow it, asked
Herod for directions, found the baby, worshiped Him, gave Him gifts, receive a
warning in a dream, and returned home by a different road.
Every one of their actions
requires choices. After being curious about a new star they chose to study it.
They used all their knowledge and resources, including questioning Herod. They
prepared for a long journey, including gifts for many along the way. They did
not block knowledge received from the Lord (a dream) by deciding only that
which they could touch, see, taste, hear or smell was valid.
An interesting contrast to
the Wise Men, are the obvious foolish choices which Herod made. He wanted only
to be rich and powerful in his little tiny corner of the world. The Wise Men,
of course, could have become and might have been wise rulers in their home
Throughout the Bible there
are many other examples of wise and foolish actions or decisions. When Jesus
told his followers to “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves,” he was
calling them to make wise choices based on his teachings about the Father. That
call continues through the years and comes to all who await His return. In this
coming year, may we all seek to be wise.