Friday, January 27, 2017


Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble.
Hebrews 12:12 (NASB)

For Christmas, my husband brought home three poinsettias.  They make a festive centerpiece on my dining room table. They won’t last forever, but I’ll try to keep them around as long as possible.

But, we’re busy and things get neglected. I looked at the poinsettias the other day and noticed two of them were wilting a bit, and the other had practically keeled over.  I grabbed the trio, threw them in the sink and gave them a good dousing.  I figured by the time I got home later that night they would all be happy and healthy.

When I got home, the two that were just a bit wilted, waved and clapped at me when I came in (ok—maybe that was just in my head).  The other one, however, sat there, head down and leaves hanging. I thought maybe it was time to say good-bye, but then again, maybe a day or two by my big kitchen window, with light pouring in, might help.  So from the sink to the sill she went. Twenty-four hours later, she was smiling and waving!

How about you?  Have you neglected your soul? Are you tired and wilting?  Is your head bowed with care and worry?  Do your hands hang down in defeat?

Sometimes, in our busy lives, we get by with a little bit of the water of the Word. Sometimes, God allows harder and harsher things to come, so you will spend more time in the presence of His Son, soaking up His tender love and mercy.

Lord, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Lead me to Your Word, prayer and fellowship. Teach me to tend to my soul.

© 2017 Terry Ann Marsh

strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble.
Hebrews 12:12 (NASB)
For Christmas, my husband brought home three poinsettias. They make a festive
centerpiece on my dining room table. They won’t last forever, but I’ll try to keep
them around as long as possible.
But, we’re busy and things get neglected. I looked at the poinsettias the other day
and noticed two of them were wilting a bit, and the other had practically keeled over.
I grabbed the trio, threw them in the sink and gave them a good dousing. I figured
by the time I got home later that night they would all be happy and healthy.
When I got home, the two that were just a bit wilted, waved and clapped at me when
I came in (ok—maybe that was just in my head). The other one, however, sat there,
head down and leaves hanging. I thought maybe it was time to say good-bye, but
then again, maybe a day or two by my big kitchen window, with light pouring in,
might help. So from the sink to the sill she went. Twenty-four hours later, she was
smiling and waving!
How about you? Have you neglected your soul? Are you tired and wilting? Is youhead bowed with care and worry? Do your hands hang down in defeat?Sometimes, in our busy lives, we get by with a little bit of the water of the Word.
Sometimes, God allows harder and harsher things to come, so you will spend more
time in the presence of His Son, soaking up His tender love and mercy.
Lord, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Lead me to Your Word, prayer and
fellowship. Teach me to tend to my soul.
© 2017 Terry Ann Marsh


Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19 (KJV)

Since 2007 my husband and I travel to Georgia the last week in August for our annual family reunion.

I am the navigator.

I write down my uncle's address and program it into the GPS. Then, using my computer, I enter the same address and print the directions for the trip. It prints turn for turn, naming all the roads and route numbers. Then it prints the map to follow. What wonderful technology to show the way to our relative's home—a place I have loved to visit since I married fifty years ago.

Before the GPS was invented, one bought a map to plot out the route to travel to the intended destination. The invention of the GPS makes it a lot easier to travel to distant places, but it is not infallible. It will sometimes direct you to a longer route on unfamiliar roads or highways.

On the other hand, Jesus will always direct you to the right path on the road to heaven.

Following the road map to heaven with Jesus is much easier because we don't need a computer or a GPS to reach our goal. Our road map is the Holy Bible and the Route Director is Jesus. He told His newly appointed disciples in the scripture above to follow Him. He was going to take them places they had never been before, and the only directions they needed were given by Jesus during His three years of ministry.

Dear Jesus, help me to follow You so that I may not stray from Your path. Amen

© 2017 Evelyn B. Ryan

Friday, January 20, 2017


This is the day which the Lord hast made., let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps 118:24 (KJV)

Each morning, immediately after I get out of bed, I do a little (very little) exercise. I stretch my arms high, one after the other, over my head a few times. Then my hands rest on my hips while twisting to the left and to the right. A few knee bends (not too deep) bring the procedure to a close. This works out the kinks. Going through these motions, I say the verse above, "This the day..."  over and over.

While attending a Bible Study class on Genesis, I recalled the creation story.

“The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be
light;’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” Gen. 1:2, 3. (KJV)

God created the void. Then God filled the void. Now as I exercise, I recall the above scripture and feel fresh appreciation and reverence for this new day.  I thank Him from the bottom of my heart for this gift, and I look forward to what He has planned for me. This also brings new awareness of God’s Presence being with me each new day.

Thank you Lord for this day. I pray that you use me to my fullest potential, and thank You for forgiving me when I fall short. Amen

2017 © Lois Gosley

Friday, January 13, 2017


For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him. Psalm 103:11 (NIV) 

The discussion was about truth.  Seven inmates in our local detention center gathered for a study titled “Overcomers.” The first of several “goals” was truth, and we were discussing the critical nature of truth as the foundation for addressing any issue. Eventually we got around to the proposition that God knows everythingyes, every thing about us. Then the question was posed, “How do you feel about that?” 

There was no denial that God knew bad stuff about everyone there. We’re all guilty, and God knows it. The attitude of the true God has significance after we die—heaven or hell. But our understanding of God’s attitude also affects the quality of our lives every day.  Must we live with burdens of guilt in fear? Or is there a way to live with confidence of forgiveness and in good relationship with God? 

During a visit to Nepal, we visited many Buddhist and Hindu shrines and temples. People were worshiping by offering sacrifices of animals, flowers and food to the many idols, bowing and ringing bells in prayer. Students were worshiping statues of Confucius and other sages for “luck” in their exams.  But the emotion behind all this “worship” is fear! Fear dominates their every move in life! 

Read all of Psalm 103. The truth is, God is love. The Bible declares it, and Jesus, the Son of God, proved it on the cross. He made the sacrifice, and that restored the relationship so we can live in peace and loving fellowship with God in this life and in the next.  

Lord, I’m so thankful that you are a God of mercy and love.
© 2017, Parker Wayland

Friday, January 6, 2017


Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. Habakkuk 2:2 (NIV).

During church service, the pastor preached on unleashing love in our personal mission field. We were given a card to write what we will do to further our mission to bring God's love to those who clearly need it.

People were waiting below the altar who were going to pray for those who accepted a mission to spread God's love. Long lines of parishioners went to be prayed for. I hesitated because I wasn't sure of my mission field. After a brief prayer, I wrote that my mission field is in writing for God.

When everyone returned to their seats, the pastor gave one last call. My daughter whispered, "You can ask for prayer to help you with writing for God."

I rose and walked toward a couple standing below the altar. The white-haired gentleman held out his arms in welcome. His smile drew me toward his opened arms and I thought of being hugged by my Savior.

Tears flowed as the lovely woman beside him asked my name and mission.

"I am Evelyn, a writer," I said, and I want to write more for God. I write devotions for the Mountain Christian Church Writers Group blog, Portions of Grace, but I desire to write more."

The woman prayed for me in a sweet tone. I felt the power of God surround me and Jesus' Spirit touching me. Both the man and the woman hugged me again.

Thank You, Father, for the power of prayer and the touch of love that only comes from You and Jesus. May my devotions draw readers to discover their own mission fields. Amen.

© 2017 Evelyn B. Ryan