Friday, July 10, 2015

Talking Butterflies

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1(NAS)

My husband noticed an unusual butterfly on our picnic table. Looking it up, I found it was a Red Admiral. While admiring the Admiral I read aloud interesting facts about this species. The depth to which it had been studied was amazing. For example, they often appear before a thunderstorm and there was indeed a storm brewing on the horizon.

As I drank in the precious moment shared with my husband marveling at its beauty, I reflected on our even more amazing God who created such diversity.
God did not make a few for His own amusement. He made countless varieties. In my hand was a book with details of innumerable butterflies! He opened His hand and out fluttered thousands of breathtakingly beautiful butterflies to decorate the earth—all part of His wondrous creation.

Would God go to all that trouble just to bring us joy and delight?
Yes! He loves to delight us. But, He had a more important purpose.
Sweetly, His word fluttered into my heart.

The Heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day to day pours out speech.
He shares knowledge of Himself through His glorious creation.
Butterflies, without uttering a word speak volumes about from whom they came.
His creation echoes back to Him, calling to us on the way.



Their existence declares the glory of God simply, perfectly. Without lips, they speak of His majesty for all to hear. Without uttering a single word, His creation never ceases to declare His glory.

Lord, how much more should I, me of so many words, praise Your Holy name!  Amen.
©2015 Bonnie Mae Evans  

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