Thursday, October 29, 2009


. . . Put your hope in God, for I will praise Him, my Savior and my God.
Psalm 42:11 (NIV)

For many moons visiting Brazil was a dream deferred. This year the opportunity came and it was a thrilling notion. What if questions swirled in my head. Is this the right time? I wondered half-heartedly embracing the idea. Then as planning progressed fairly smoothly, from ticket, to passport, to visa, a level of certainty increased. In the meantime prayer, faith, and even destiny were dispelling seeds of doubt. Knowing this dream could come true, fueled my anchored excitement.

One daily reading was pleasantly inspiring as it spoke of how fulfilling dreams and accomplishing goals have their own rewards. I am grateful for every opportunity, every lesson learned, every trial, and every dream realized. Living this life is a work in progress. We strive to make the most of our time and efforts to give back to God by contributing creatively, skills, ideas and time to enhance the lives of others.

Thank You Lord for keeping the possibilities alive. This current journey reminds us, God’s grace shows up when you least expect it. The fog clears and circumstances change. We are humbled by your steadfast grace and mercy. Your love is our light. I travel with a joyous heart beating in gratitude. Wrapping oneself in a robe of hopefulness is comforting. Possibilities are contagious.

Dear Lord, In quiet realization, thankfulness fills me. May patience befriend us all as we hold on, listen for Your love and receive Your grace in our lives.

(c) Evelyn Taylor 2009


Dawn said...

I seem to be on many journeys at one time. Without God in the driver's seat, I know I would crash. It is nice knowing that I can rest in Him. Nice piece.

Evelyn R. said...

I have been on many journeys in my lifetime. I can identify with this writers feelings. God guides us if we let Him. He is the ultimate Master of our lives.
