Sunday, October 18, 2009

Servant for Christ

But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:16

Mom went to be with the Lord a few months ago. As I look at the pile of her clothes on the floor, I start to cry. When we found out she had cancer of the lungs, and it had metastasized to her liver we were shocked. As I stand looking at her belongings, questions come flooding into my mind. How did it happen so fast? She had chest x-rays months before, and they did not find it then.

God took a hold of my thoughts and I recalled how many years ago, Mom was among those of us attending a full gospel church when we gave our hearts to the Lord. It was great going to Bible classes with my family. We dined on the Word of God together.

Life was hard on Mom when Dad died; she missed him a lot. It was a blessing to me knowing that she had the Lord to lean on. She filled the time by joining the VFW where she did a lot of volunteer work. She spent her last days on earth reading stories from the Bible, praying, and talking about God.

The Bible tells me "life is a vapor." I do not know how long I have on this earth; therefore, with the time left, I want to be the best servant for Jesus Christ I can be.

Our belongings will disappear. Our testimony will live forever.

Father, I pray you use me as a living testimony to my children and my children's children. Let Your word fill me to overflowing. Help me to be a disciple. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© Marcella Panowicz 2009


Christy said...

And you are Marcy, you are!!

Dawn said...

I love listening to your stories about your mother. Just in the short time I got to spend with her, I could see why you are such a character. I see also that you have past on to your children and grandchilren this same trait.You are a blessing to many.

Evelyn R. said...

God bless you, Marcy. You have an aura of love around you. I am blessed knowing you. Bonnie