Thursday, October 13, 2016


If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses Matthew 6:14-15.  (KJV)

I didn’t realize that a little white lie told with good intentions, could spiral out of control ending a lifelong friendship.  You see I’ve always had a passive, forgiving, laid-back type personality. 

After attending the funerals of seventy-five percent of the family I love, confide in and depend on, it was obvious my entire safety net had died. With no one left to confide in, some people now misuse my trust for their agenda.  Instead of being depressed, I decided to take a vacation with my best friend from high school. 

One problem, she had a medical procedure coming up and not enough leave time to cover our vacation nor her medical procedure.  I had three hundred hours of vacation time plus four hundred hours of sick time. Knowing she had a single income household, I donated eighty-eight hours of my vacation time to her, and used forty hours of my sick time for our vacation. 

We planned our vacation from our home computers. Nothing was planned from our work computers. Long story short, our vacation was HORRIBLE! To make matters worse she emailed, from our plane, vacation details to my work computer (direct violation of office policy) without my knowledge while we were still thirty five thousand feet in the air, exposing my lie. 

As a result, I was reassigned to a different office. Was it the betrayal, or the lie that cost me my position?

Father God, please create a clean heart in me, and renew a right spirit within me. Help me Lord to forgive my childhood friend, and to forgive myself.

© 2016 Jeannette Clark


Christy said...

HI Jeannettee

Congratulations!! You have now been published. Nice job!


Evelyn R. said...

Hi, Jeannette

Congratulations on your first posting. I had an experience as a child, one of betrayal that marked me with distrust of any close relationship for more than sixty years. I never really had a true friend until seven years ago when I joined this group of Christian writers. Now I know what true friendship is and I thank God for each of them. I had to step outside my comfort zone when I began writing and publishing my devotions. Welcome to true Christian friendships. God bless you.
