Friday, May 3, 2013

The Jacket

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.” Matthew 6:25a (NIV)

I looked at my worn out jacket still hanging in the closet. I had searched for months at thrift stores, but a jacket in my size at an affordable price was not available. God knew what I needed before I asked (Matthew 6:8), and He took care of me in an amazing way.

I had entered a competition at the facility where I work out, and discovered that I won. What a surprise to learn that one of the prizes was a gift card to a clothing store that was going out of business. Only four jackets remained on the rack, and one was in my size. The original price for this jacket was $109.99, but the close-out price was $15.99. My gift card was for $10.00, so this new jacket cost me $5.99! An extra bonus was the reversible zip-out liner—two coats for the price of one.

I was so amazed by what God had done that I started telling everyone the story of God’s provision. Not only did God provide one jacket, but two, and they were brand new! A verse from Ephesians came to mind: Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20a).

God is so good to us! We worry about buying clothes and food, but the God who takes care of birds and flowers assures us that we are worth much more than they are. He will provide for us, too.

Thank you, Father, for the ways you surprise us with your abundant provision.

© 2013 Diane E. Hussey


1 comment:

Evelyn R. said...

You've done a fine job of writing, Diane. God bless you. E. Bonnie