Sunday, May 29, 2011

Something from Nothing

“What can I do to help you?” Elisha asked. “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” “Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil,” she replied. 2 Kings 4:2 (NLT)

Lyle and Devin rummaged through the cupboards and asked, “What is there to eat, Miss Kathy?” We don’t stock instant foods or ready-made meals in our house, so I shooed them outdoors, saying, “Go outside and play, and I’ll make something for you.”

A half-hour later they tromped back in, rosy-cheeked and ready to eat. The kitchen smelled wonderful, and a hot meal sat on the table. “Wow,” Devin exclaimed. “You made something out of nothing!” Laughing, we sat down, said grace, and dug in.

These days the kids are old enough to make dinner themselves. Lyle still refers to it as “pulling a Miss Kathy.” But isn’t that just like God? So often we think only of how He created the universe out of nothing—but there are so many ways in which He works this miracle. When we are depleted, He quickens us. When our souls are in desert places, He provides water and makes a highway in the wilderness. When we are unable to pray, He intercedes for us.

Praise God, who brought us out of a horrible pit, from the miry clay, and set our feet upon the rock. He hung the earth upon nothing, and set the world in our hearts. Praise Him for His unsearchable riches! He clothes us with righteousness. He calls us friends. Praise Christ, our Bread of Life, who came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.

Father, when we are empty, You fill us up. Thank You for the countless ways You create something out of the nothing of our lives.

© 2010 Katherine A. Fuller

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