Saturday, April 24, 2010


I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. John 14:18 (KJV)

A thunderstorm reminded me that even when it looks like we are alone, we are not. God is always near. One season we needed rain desperately, so it was good to see the refreshing drops of rain fall to the earth. It smelled wonderful. The booming thunder and flashes of lightning frightened my little dogs. It was music to my ears, but sent them into a nervous frenzy.

Inside, the dogs followed my every step. While doing housework, I talked to them, trying to calm them but it was no use. Finally, I sat down and held the two tiny Chihuahuas. The larger Border Collie panted nervously while touching my side. God created these loving, frightened animals for us to care for and love. I thought of their similarity to frightened children.

Many times when frightened, such as my first job interview, wedding jitters, and the uncertainty of moving to Germany, I needed comfort too. Also, being alone, except for my thirteen month old baby boy, and boarding a plane for the first time was very unnerving. Those are the times when I turn to my "Comforter" God to talk with Him and ask His presence. He never lets me down. He always lifts me up, never leaving me comfortless in the terror of the unknown. Prayer changes everything.

Father God, help me to remember that You are always just a thought and a prayer away. Comfort Your children when they step out into the unknown. Guide them to safety and give them the assurance that You are always near. Amen.

© 2010 E. Bonnie Ryan

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