Friday, November 20, 2009

Lion's Den

And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God. Daniel 6:23b (NIV)

I dreamt I was in a deep pit with granite walls. Boulders were stacked at odd angles forming a way to the top where light filtered into the darkness. I saw three lions: one guarding the foot of the rocky ladder, one pacing the floor around me, and another hiding, barely visible in the recesses of the bedrock.

People were standing at the opening to the den looking down at me. I stared back at them in anger, blaming them for throwing me to the lions, sure that I had been falsely accused. As my heart hardened against them, the lion resting on the steps opened his jaws with a growl and shook his head. The one circling me picked up his pace and the other emerged from the shadows, ready to pounce. My flesh quivered and my hair stood on end when I realized I was about to be devoured.

I woke up realizing that, like the lions, my anger could consume me. God calls us to be forgiving. If I were thrown into the lions' den would I be found faultless, trusting totally in God? Or would I be ensnared by my wounded pride?

Dear Lord, bless me with the grace to forgive those who have hurt me. Heal the wounds I have suffered from decades of living in and conforming to the patterns of an unforgiving world. Help me to live obediently and to seek my life in the fullness of Christ. In Jesus' name, I ask it. Amen.

© 2009 Stephanie L. Snead

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