Friday, July 17, 2009


The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. Proverbs 15: 3 (NIV)

It has been impossible to manicure the lawn with all the rain. My husband nearly wiped out an entire family of rabbits. The mother made a nest in the tall grass in the front yard. One of the babies did die when the mower blade hit its ear. He stopped mowing when he realized what had happened. My heart was sad, and I wanted to give the little bunny a proper burial.

I decided to watch and see if the mother was coming back to take care of her babies. I did not want them to perish from neglect. As a child, my spouse had raised rabbits. "She'll come back tonight to feed them and sit on the nest to keep them warm. She is nearby and watching. Even though their eyes aren't open, they can sense she is near," he said.

I wanted to spy. I hid in my van for a few hours so the mother would not see me. I saw a cat across the street, and I was ready to jump out and scare it away if it came too close. Nothing bad was going to happen as long as I was watching.

Sitting there during that time, I thought about God and me. He is my Father, and He has given me safe refuge in Him. I cannot see Him, yet I know He is watching.

Lord, I thank you for all the wonderful things you have taught me through nature. I thank you for being there, watching.

© Marcella Panowicz 2009

1 comment:

Christy said...

The poet in you makes such nice use of figurative language.