Friday, November 14, 2008


“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Eph. 2:8 (NIV)

I volunteered at the Medical Center at lunch time, helping residents open containers, feeding others, and being nimble fingers for some. I was blessed to get to know a lot of the residents.

As I approached Mr. Jim, I said “Good Morning.” Mr. Jim gave me a hateful sideward glance and commented to the lady beside him.

“This is my nephew, Will, who has come to say he’s sorry.”

He spoke each word with emphasis, laced with disgust while he glared at me. I stopped abruptly because I happen to be female, shoulder length hair - definitely not the nephew type. I wondered, should I correct him? Then I said very slowly,

“Yes, I am sorry. Will you forgive me?”

“I knew you’d come sooner or later.” he said.

Just then the food trays made their clanky entrance. Mr. Jim maneuvered the snack table closer to his wheel chair, checked over the food, then busied himself with eating. As he ate, I peeled off foil tops from puddings, put straws in drinks and wondered what to say next. Then he spoke softly,

“Yes, I’ll forgive you.”

Later as I walked down the hall, I wondered what offense the nephew had done. Regardless, he was forgiven with no effort on his part. Then it dawned on me. That’s what Jesus did for me.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for taking our place on the cross. Thank you for forgiving us our sins as we forgive others. Help us to see that the person we free when we forgive is ourselves. Amen

© Copyright 2008 Lois Gosley


Marcella said...

Very Nice!

Christy said...

Lovely story to demonstrate the heart of forgiveness.

Dawn said...

This is the one that touches my heart. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. I get chills each time I read this. Thanks