Friday, December 20, 2019


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. 
Matthew 7:7 (RSV)

My father was a strong, hardworking business man. He loved his work and his family. I had just begun working as a public-school teacher when my father was diagnosed with cancer. I watched him struggle into the late stages of this disease as my loving mother and younger siblings fought daily against his burden. I prayed for God's direction.

I spent time with the Lord explaining my worries and inability to carry the physical and mental burdens, coupled with my teaching responsibilities. I felt like my hands were tied. I asked the Lord to give my mother respite, my father peace and me direction.

"I'm young, Lord," I said. "Let me carry most of the load for them."

The Lord spoke softly to me. "You ask, and  you will receive. You are young and able. I will give you the strength physically, mentally and emotionally to help your parents. I will help you carry the load."

My prayers were answered. My busy schedule opened up enough for me to be with my family and help. My worry dissipated, my energy level soared, and the Most-High God brought me peace.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for always being there. You are always available when we ask for Your help. Amen

2019 Christy Struben

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