Friday, January 4, 2019


Good and upright is the Lord: therefore will he teach sinners in the way. Psalm 25:8 (KJV)

Whenever I see a cross by the road indicating someone was killed in an auto accident, I recall an incident where a drunk driver swerved off the road and hit a pedestrian, killing him. I immediately have feelings of sadness and anger. Drunk drivers have killed more people than I want to recall.

Each cross has flowers stacked nearby, sometimes a teddy bear or a photograph. The tragic loss brings tears to my eyes. A loved one is gone forever. It’s not fair!

With each cross by the road, I go through the whole depressive scenario until . . .

One day at church a young mother asked for prayers for travel mercies for her and her four-year old daughter. They were driving to New Orleans. The little girl said, “We’re going to put flowers on Daddy’s cross by the road.”  He had driven from Maryland to New Orleans with other volunteers on their way to help Katrina survivors rebuild. They had an accident and their truck turned over, killing their loved one.

I don’t know what caused the accident, but I know their beloved husband and treasured daddy were killed. I felt ashamed of my attitude, and from now on, I will be praying for the family of the cross-by-the-side-of-the-road. I won’t focus on the other driver, only the loved ones kneeling at the cross. 

Thank You, Lord, for changing my hard heart. And thankYou for the caregivers that help people.

Dear Lord, grant us mercy when we are in harm’s way. Give Your angels charge over us and help us to forgive the unthinkable. Amen

© 2019 Lois Gosley  

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