Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Biggest Picture

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1[NIV]


This is a familiar verse, but we must ask, the “beginning” of what? The beginning of God revealing himself to us through actions recorded in the Bible.  Surely God had a reason to begin creation. We understand that God’s nature is love. So, it seems He creates people as objects of His love. The fact He created us with free will shows He wants us to love him back with genuine, unforced love. Through the Bible we learn it will take five major events to bring us into the perfect righteousness God’s nature demands.


The first event involved the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man exercised his free will to disobey God’s command and thus brought sin into man’s nature. Next, God saw how great man’s wickedness was on earth and sent a flood to destroy every living thing except Noah and those with him on the ark. Thirdly, God saw the righteousness of Abram’s obedience and decided to create a people for himself through Abraham. As God brought them out of Egyptian enslavement, God met them on Mount Sinai and gave them Ten Commandments to guide them into righteousness.


Fourth, God saw that man was incapable of obedience in his own strength and sent his own Son, Jesus, to teach us and offer salvation. Those who believe in Jesus now receive power to obey through the Holy Spirit of God. The love God desires is beginning to flow.


Finally, Jesus has promised to return, bringing a new heaven and a new earth where only perfect righteousness will be. And God will be with His people.


Lord God, my Creator, I love you. Amen.


© 2019 Parker Wayland

Saturday, January 19, 2019


As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John 9:5 (KJV)

My bedroom is very dark at night except for a small night light by the door. I usually have to feel my way to the bathroom and back. But, once I am in bed for the night, the tiny white light on the cable box breaks through the blackness and stares at me. Many times I think I see it move, but when I snap on the lamp, it is in the same place. I tell myself it is just a little light—nothing to fear in the dark.

That tiny white light on the cable box is intriguing. I think I have seen it move horizontally up the bedroom wall. It seems to want to play games, going straight up to the ceiling and back again. It is amazing to me that I still have a childhood fear of the dark. I tell myself there is nothing in the dark that is not there in the light. Snapping on the lamp is the end of the game.

Thinking of the scripture above, I stare at the tiny light and envision Jesus being here with me in the dark bedroom. I feel warm and comforted, knowing that Jesus is with me. I am not afraid.

It is said that the flame of one candle can be seen two miles away on a dark, moonless night. Imagine Jesus being the Light of the world. He will be back one day and our world will be as bright as the morning sun. Praise be to God!

Dear Jesus, come quickly, so mankind can enjoy the wonderful Light that will bless our days and nights. Amen

© 2019 Evelyn B. Ryan

Friday, January 11, 2019


The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 (NAS)

In this New Year I am encouraged to choose “One Word.” One word to ask the Lord to develop in me and draw me closer to Him. One word to focus on throughout the entire year.
After much thought, I chose a word that I often find challenging—Joy.

I don’t know about you, but there are times when life gets me down, and I feel lower than a snake’s belly, as my grandfather used to say. Now I know as an heir to the kingdom of God, I am no longer under the oppression of the enemy. I am free to enjoy the fruit of the Spirit called joy. For a believer, a bite of that fruit is the antidote for the bite of the sin-fruit eaten and shared by Eve.
In Philippians we are told: “Rejoice always.” This sounds doable until some unexpected illness, tragedy, or any multitude of negative situations come knocking on our door.

By our own strength and determination it is futile to be joyful in everything life can cast our way. However, in the Spirit given us when we accepted Christ as Savior, we are not only able to find joy, but live it out even in the midst of painful and difficult circumstances.

To possess the joy of God is to hold deep within our hearts the peace of Heaven while still present here on earth. It affords us the ability to press on in the assurance the outcome is in God’s loving hands, and knowing He is working everything out for our good.
What about you, my friend? Could you use a little more joy?

Lord, fill our hearts to overflowing with Your unquenchable joy! Amen.
© 2019 Bonnie Mae Evans

Friday, January 4, 2019


Good and upright is the Lord: therefore will he teach sinners in the way. Psalm 25:8 (KJV)

Whenever I see a cross by the road indicating someone was killed in an auto accident, I recall an incident where a drunk driver swerved off the road and hit a pedestrian, killing him. I immediately have feelings of sadness and anger. Drunk drivers have killed more people than I want to recall.

Each cross has flowers stacked nearby, sometimes a teddy bear or a photograph. The tragic loss brings tears to my eyes. A loved one is gone forever. It’s not fair!

With each cross by the road, I go through the whole depressive scenario until . . .

One day at church a young mother asked for prayers for travel mercies for her and her four-year old daughter. They were driving to New Orleans. The little girl said, “We’re going to put flowers on Daddy’s cross by the road.”  He had driven from Maryland to New Orleans with other volunteers on their way to help Katrina survivors rebuild. They had an accident and their truck turned over, killing their loved one.

I don’t know what caused the accident, but I know their beloved husband and treasured daddy were killed. I felt ashamed of my attitude, and from now on, I will be praying for the family of the cross-by-the-side-of-the-road. I won’t focus on the other driver, only the loved ones kneeling at the cross. 

Thank You, Lord, for changing my hard heart. And thankYou for the caregivers that help people.

Dear Lord, grant us mercy when we are in harm’s way. Give Your angels charge over us and help us to forgive the unthinkable. Amen

© 2019 Lois Gosley