Friday, May 18, 2018


And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body.      
Luke 24:2-3(RSV)

This might sound strange but I actually enjoy vacuuming. It’s soothing to relax and reflect as you perform a fairly simple but important task to clean out the dust and dirt in your house. Some of my best thoughts occur during this solitary time because I am clearing out my mind as well.

One of those thoughts was from a physics class long ago- “nature abhors a vacuum.” Meaning that when one space is cleared out another force is ready to take its place. This phenomenon occurs spiritually as well as physically.

Just as you get a sense of satisfaction in house cleaning you know the dust of the world will be returning to try and reclaim its territory. This same phenomenon occurs spiritually, when we pray for forgiveness, resulting in a fresh sense of inner peace. This temporary bubble will soon start leaking as the earthly desires of pride, greed, envy and sloth start seeping back into our consciousness.

Where do we turn to cease this endless cycle of sin and redemption? The Empty Tomb of Jesus!
The resurrection of Jesus unleashed the greatest force in physics. This cosmic vacuum literally caused a wild whirlwind of activity creating our Christian church. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts: 2: 2-4)

The next time you are cleaning house, physically and mentally, and the dust of Adam starts creeping back in, remember the power of the Holy Spirit stands firm against any attacking alien force of nature.

Thank you Jesus for the creation of your church that filled the emptiness of your earthly tomb.

©2018 David Le Kites 

1 comment:

Christy said...

Beautifully explained!! Brought tears to my eyes. KEEP WRITING!! Christy