Friday, December 23, 2016


Greetings, you who are highly favored!  The Lord is with you. Luke 1:28b (NIV)
Read Luke 1:28-38

Christmas, Christ’s mass, is a celebration of God’s love in coming to us in human form. Jesus, Son of God and son of Mary, was called to earth for a specific purpose. This story of Mary’s call has meaning for all of us today. 

Mary was quietly living her life. She had plans—good plans. She was engaged to be married to a fine young man. Joseph loved her deeply. Suddenly, she was confronted by an angel, a messenger of God! “Mary was greatly troubled,” but the angel assured her, “Do not be afraid. You have found favor with God.” As the angel continued with God’s message, Mary must have had a thousand questions. But, after asking one question and receiving assurance that God had indeed chosen her for His purpose, she obediently responded, “May it be to me as you have said.”
Today, rather than sending angel messengers, God usually speaks to our hearts directly by the Holy Spirit. We too are often surprised and “troubled” at His calling. Perhaps it starts with a vague awareness of interest in or concern about a situation around us, or perhaps someone suddenly presents an opportunity or invitation. It is always challenging and often scary. But it persists and grows until you know in your heart that it is of God. You realize you have a decision to make. 

Mary is often called, “Blessed Mary.” She was blessed because she was immediately obedient to her calling. We can be confident that we too will be blessed if we simply trust God and immediately obey His calling. 

Prayer: Lord, I do trust you. Give me the courage to follow your calling. Amen 

© 2016 Parker Wayland



Christy said...

Lovely Christmas thoughts that easily fold over into our lives today.

Evelyn R. said...

Mary was a wonderful example of what we, as children of God, should also be today. Mary faded into the background, but not too far from Jesus as He grew up to become the Savior of the world. He was obedient to His Father and followed the plan set forth for Him. We, in turn, should also be obedient as Mary and Jesus was. That way we can walk the path of righteousness on the road to heaven.

This is a wonderful piece of writing, Parker. I love it. Keep writing, my friend.
