Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fresh Start

Of course, my friends, I really do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. Philippians 3:13 (GNT)

Is there anyone who, like me, is glad to see 2011 end and is looking forward to a fresh start in 2012?

2011 was a year of purging, shifting and preparation—in the spiritual, as well as in the natural. We will never forget the monster tornadoes, historic floods, massive wildfires, the tsunami and the East Coast Earthquake.

Like physical storms, the storms of life are frightening, painful and confusing. They may be out of our control, but they serve a purpose: announcing change or growth. A new season, a new beginning, a fresh start. Just as the rainbow symbolizes not only the passing of the storm, but the gift of the storm, New Year represents a gift, too—having the chance to start again, the beginning of a new season. Some use it to make resolutions, establish goals, start projects or make commitments to change negative habits.

What do you want to change this year? Lose weight? Get out of debt? Read the Bible daily and pray more? Watch less television? Accomplishing any goal requires keeping focus. It also requires forgiving, forgetting and letting go of the past. Let’s leave the past behind and reach forward to what is ahead.

Are you ready for a fresh start? Okay . . . ready . . . set . . . reach!

Thank you, Jesus, for a New Year and the opportunity for a fresh start. The past is washed away, and I won’t look back! I’m moving forward in your name. Amen

© 2011 Wanda Currie

1 comment:

Christy said...

Love the "ready,set reach" ending! Nice job!