Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Yule Log

And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22 (KJV)

A Yule log is an extremely large log that is burned in a hearth as a traditional Christmas celebration in several European cultures. The Yule log was originally an entire tree that was carefully chosen and brought into the house with great ceremony. Because the Yule log was hard wood, it provided maximum warmth and endurance.

This prayer is traditionally said when lighting the yule log: “May the fire of this log warm the cold; may the hungry be fed; may the weary find rest and may all enjoy heaven's peace.”

While we may not all have fireplaces to burn yule logs, we can offer prayers of hope to those in need of food, homes, jobs or heaven's peace.

A gentleman came into the retail store the other day to pay on a stranger's layaway as a way to share the Christmas spirit. This seems to be a new trend happening at many of the stores this year. What a nice way to help and spread some comfort and cheer to a weary family.

This is the season to reflect on the blessings that Jesus' birth has given us and help those who have less and in need of blessings. If we cannot give material things we can pray the Yule log prayer believing and watch Jesus answers in amazing ways.

Thank you Jesus for giving me peace, warmth and rest in your arms. May I not only pray for the needs of others, but also provide hope throughout this Christmas season.

© 2011 Dawn M Sexton

1 comment:

Christy said...

Nice--especially because you have personnally witnessed that terrific new custom of giving!