Friday, April 5, 2019


For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ Acts 17:28 (NLT)
This scripture speaks deeply to my soul. I live in Him. And move and exist in Him. I ask myself, “Is this posture expressed in the way I live each day?”
How will this look to others? I imagine an individual’s defining nature will be selfless, loving, gentle and encouraging. He or she will meet others’ needs, listen without judging, give hope to the hopeless, and offer a hand to those who are lost. 
How do we achieve the essence of living in Him?
Is this the desire of your heart? God has led me to this posture through my quiet time and His Holy Word. I have sensed within my soul a deepening of faith and a more intimate love for Jesus.  Through fellowship and serving alongside other believers in my local church, I have witnessed others who are already living in Him.
Living in Him is a daily decision and process. In each moment we empty ourselves and seek His face. We long to be filled with His Holy Spirit—overflowing and pouring His love onto all we encounter.
In the evening we examine our day—where we witnessed the Holy Spirit working through us and where we have missed opportunities.
We praise Him for His presence and look forward to tomorrow with renewed vigor to continue His good work in and through us. 
Father, thank You for Your Word which encourages us to empty ourselves and be filled with Your Spirit, desiring You to work through us in a mighty way. We are indeed Your children.
© 2019  Marianne Lucot

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