Friday, March 8, 2019


 I knew you in the wilderness, in the land of great drought.  Hosea 13:5 (NKJV)

Today, many acknowledge God but do not see any need nor have any desire to turn their lives over to God. Unbeknownst to them, they walk into a wilderness. They believe they can handle things in their own power and are unable to recognize any weakness within themselves.

Can you think of anyone who behaves in such a way? Maybe this is or was you. Maybe this is a family member. I was that person.

As a young adult, I deliberately walked away from God into a wilderness of my own making. I knew God and His Son Jesus, but I would not give Him control of my life. My career was successful but I really struggled in the more important parts of my life. As a parent, disciplining and guiding my two boys was very difficult and there was much discord in my marriage.

My heart was bitter. I felt alone. The only place where I felt valued was in my workplace—working two jobs allowed even less time at home. The bitterness in my heart began to turn to sorrow. Finally I cried out to God. And He heard me in the wilderness! “… I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19). He led me out. My heart now belongs to Him alone and He has control of my life. ‘I will dwell in His house forever’ (Psalm 23:6).

Father, thank you for hearing and responding to us in our wilderness. We now gladly surrender all to walk in Your ways. In Jesus name we pray.   

© 2019  Marianne Lucot

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