Saturday, July 14, 2018


Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of your entire harvest;   Proverbs 3:9 (KJV)

When I first gave my life to Jesus, I wanted to be the best Christian I could. One challenge was tithing. My paycheck was already stretched too far and I always needed more. I had month left over at the end of the money.

Every month when my once-a-month paycheck arrived, I listed all my bills and I had little left over, not enough to tithe—I might need something. I decided I would start over next month. Month after month, I aimed at tithing, but failed.

Then I got the idea to take the tithe out first. I sat down with my long list of expenses, but this time tithe was at the top of the list. I had asked a friend what do I tithe on—the amount before taxes or my take home pay. She replied, “Which one do you want to be blessed on?” The challenge was on.

Tithe now sat royally at the top of my list then I proceeded to withdraw my bills one by one. Surprise! I had money left over. Every month it happened the same way. If I forgot to deduct my tithe at the beginning, the income always came up short. I had learned that when I get $100.00 and don’t tithe $10.00, I’m telling the Lord He can’t meet my $10.00 need.

When we fool ourselves into thinking God is after our money, we miss the whole point. God is after our hearts and we have trouble separating our money from our hearts. It’s evident when we refuse to trust God with our finances.

Thank you, Lord, for your promise “I shall not want.”

© 2018 Lois Gosley

1 comment:

Evelyn R. said...

Hi, Lois. I must commend you for a great post to the POG blog. Tithing is really a big issue for me and for most families. My Mother also tithed first thing when she got her social security check. She was a faithful Christian. I pray that someday I will be as faithful a Christian as she was. Good job of writing, Lois. God bless you.
