Friday, August 4, 2017


The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Revelation 12: 9 (NIV)

I recently met a young lady who stated very casually, “I do not believe in God anymore. I have not been to church for 12 years.” Her life experiences of drug addiction and the loss of her brother in the past year to a drug overdose have surely influenced her conclusion.  

How can we, as Christ followers, respond to such a statement? I know it stopped me cold, but my desire is to reach those who are lost. God’s Word reveals that Satan is the ruler of the earth. We know firsthand that he is the enemy. His strong presence in this world is manifested everywhere.

God challenges us to prepare a response based on His Word. We acknowledge this fallen world, filled with injustice, hate, poverty, disease, and wars. When this has been a part of one’s life, despair grips the very soul and stomps on hope.  

Meditate, prepare, and be ready to give your response. We grieve the lost, who are filled with despair. Share your stories, pointing to your favorite scriptures which have brought light into your darkness. This world is ruled by Satan, and God’s Word illuminates this truth. Our hope comes from above, not in this world where Satan reigns. Become a friend and initiate further conversation about the God of Hope, Our Reigning King, Jesus Christ.

Father, equip us to meet people where they are, and point to You, our source of Light in the darkness.

© 2017 Marianne Lucot

1 comment:

Evelyn R. said...

Marianne, this is an eye-opening devotion. You hit the proverbial nail right on the head. What a strong devotion. Keep up the good work for the Lord. God bless you.