Friday, August 26, 2016


Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4 (NIV)

During the past four years and ten months, my family has endured nine deaths of our loved ones. My dear sister, Gene was the last one to pass. She left us two months ago.

My first loss was my dear mother. I took care of her with some assistance. I was in shock for a long, long time after she died. When the other deaths occurred, some within just months, and some in a year or two, I began to feel God was trying to tell me something. But, what? I went on with my life, trying to keep busy with my writing, but I had long weeks without inspiration. Slowly, the depression lifted and I found I could go on. God is so good to me.

With the last two losses of a dear beloved uncle in Georgia and this loss of my older sister, suddenly the depression I felt was like walking into a dark pit—no light in sight. But, each day the darkness gets lighter until only a shadow hangs over my heart. It lifts a little every day. God has done that for me. I pray daily and lull myself to sleep praying to a loving, comforting Father, the only true father I have ever known. The darkness is lifting a little more.

Thank You, Father, for being with me even though I don't always feel Your presence. I know that You care about my feelings and You soothe my aching heart, giving me the comfort that Jesus promised. Amen.

© 2016 Evelyn B. Ryan

1 comment:

Bonnie Mae Evans said...

Dear Evelyn,
I'm so sorry for your losses. It is comforting to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have a Father who loves us so dearly. He understands our pain. Our tears are so precious to Him that the Bible says He saves them in a bottle. That is a comforting thought.