Friday, May 20, 2016


Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you…. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)

Worry is a choice! When living in a very challenging situation where fear was a constant companion, I was mentally assaulted with a dread that I would be out on the street. When the tempest enveloped me, I sang praise songs, like “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” repeatedly. Soon I felt relief. I was never homeless.

Recently, I had to drive my daughter from Abingdon, MD. to downtown Baltimore to John Hopkins Medical Center. That concerned me. I felt I’d probably get lost, be stuck in the wrong lane or miss my turn. She insisted I take her car, being newer and more reliable.

Thank God we arrived on time, and at the correct place. Her hand surgery went well and after four hours, she was released to go home. Her husband arrived at the hospital and said he would drive her home, and I’d drive her car home.

I looked outside. It’s snowing. Here I am in the city, in a different car, and its rush hour, and I prayed, “Lord, help me.” I felt His nudge. Worry or worship, entered my mind. How can I stop this trembling? Worry or worship, repeated itself. 

Straightening my shoulders, and taking a deep breath, I drove through the blinding snow singing. “This is the day the Lord has made.” Soon “Trust and Obey” and “Amazing Grace” burst from my heart. I drove home in perfect peace.

Worship is a better choice.

Dear Lord. You are my Shepherd. I shall not want. Your provision is greater than my strongest need. amen

2016 © Lois Gosley

1 comment:

Christy said...

Nicely Done!! Thought provoking!