Friday, June 12, 2015

Weapon or Refuge

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, Psalm 18:2 (NAS) 

In the midst of the recent rioting, I watched young people throwing rocks at policeman. Their pain was deep for many reasons. The rocks being hurled offered little hope of relieving pain or solving their problems.

I thought of The Rock of my salvation who offers hope, life and justice for all, the Lord God who sent His one and only Son to be a sacrifice for our sins. He is my rock and my hope.

If only they knew, they would drop their rocks of destruction and exchange them for The Rock of refuge. They would stand on The Rock and claim His ultimate victory over the battle of all evil and injustice that has ever befallen anyone. With feet planted on solid ground, they would look with hope to the future. By His Spirit, they would find peaceful solutions to the biases that have plagued our great nation and the world as well. With praise, they would offer up all the glory to the Lord who gives them strength and endurance for the battle. With eyes on eternity they would value all people as precious brother and sister heirs to the kingdom.

Yes, God alone is our fortress to run to in times of distress. He is our deliverer from all of the world's injustices. He knows all and sees the absolute truth without prejudice. His eyes are filled with love equally for us all. He is the rock that offers healing to our broken world.

Father, I pray the hurting people of this world will know the security and peace of having their feet set on You, the solid rock. Amen.

 ©2015 Bonnie Mae Evans


Evelyn R. said...

Bonnie, this is a beautiful devotion. I wish all people could read what you have written here from your heart. They could draw closer to "The Rock" of salvation and perhaps give up their evil ways. The Bible says Satan is the ruler of this earth "for now," but it won't be long before Jesus returns to clear up the sands of dissension and oust him from the earth. God, in His glory, will rule! Amen!

Bonnie Mae Evans said...

Amen, Evelyn! What a glorious day that will be! Praise God! Amen, again!