Friday, February 21, 2014


Trust the Lord with all your heart,
lean not onto your own understanding. (Prov. 3:5a RSV)
After taking my granddaughter to her dance class, I sat outside the dance studio in the corridor. I waited quietly on the outside, but my insides were in turmoil.
I’d been wrestling with a large unexpected bill that I felt my insurance should cover.  While waiting on their accountant to return my call, another invoice arrived. This invoice informed me the account was delinquent, and if not paid within 30 days, they would turn it over to a collection agency. All this within two weeks of my visit! (Grr-rrr!)
While I obsessed about money, I noticed two fathers chatting, their backs to a nearby walled-in enclosure of tumbling equipment, where their children played. As they talked, I noticed a little boy, about four years old, climbed up the four foot wall, and once on top, he leaped through the air onto his father’s back. The father instantly leaned forward and stretched his arms back, catching his boy, keeping him from tumbling to the floor.
What a leap of faith! The boy knew his daddy would catch him.
I thought about my money concern and decided I needed to take a leap of faith and count on the Lord to catch me, knowing He is my Provider. He will not let me fall.  I counted my blessings as I recalled the scripture.  “….unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3 NRSV) I thanked the Lord for letting a little child lead me.
Thank you, Lord, there is no issue too large or to small that you can’t handle. Amen
©2014 Lois Gosley

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