Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolution For Revelation

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)

For years, people have asked me the age-old question. "What is your New Year's resolution?" I stop and think; will I treat my body better by eating healthier and adopt an exercise program to go along with it? Making a commitment of that nature involves real dedication. It would be better for me to find something easy, something I will not abandon after the first couple of months. Since I like to write, I could make a vow to write so many hours a week. I know I would be able to stick to that.

If I look at commitment from God's point of view, I realize He takes a vow seriously. What if He did not make good on His promises? This world would be in a heap of trouble. All throughout the Bible God shows His plan for the redemption of man. He does not have second thoughts. If God said it, you can believe it. When the prophets gave a message from God, the people knew it was going to happen. His prophecies are still coming true.

This year my resolution will be to seek God's Word and receive His revelation knowledge. He will help me with my bad habits as I strive to be more like Jesus. When I fall, I can repent. Forgiveness is God's promise to me.

Father, help me to continually seek the revelation knowledge of your Word. Assist me in making the changes in my life that will enable me to serve You better. In Jesus Name

©2009 Marcella Panowicz


Virginia said...

Perfect topic for this week. Great post.

Christy said...

We should all have this resolution.

Evelyn R. said...

Wish I could write a devotion and manage to stick to the main idea. You did a great job, Marcy.