Friday, January 24, 2020


Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest indeed is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Matthew 9:37 (NIV)

One year ago, my husband gave me a book entitled, Hearts of Fire, the stories of eight Christian women in the underground church. These women faced intense persecution for their faith, including imprisonment, family abandonment, kidnapping, forced marriages, beatings and exile. They were in the world spreading the Gospel and leading lost souls to salvation in treacherous conditions!

Their stories and their faith inspired me, yet made me ask: How far would I go to spread the Gospel? Would I give up in fear if the government entered my house and told me to renounce my faith or suffer death? Does my service in the church in America matter compared to the suffering endured by these women of faith? These questions loomed in my mind.

Living in the United States, Christians do not have to worry about such brutal persecutions. We have freedom of speech and religion and are not fleeing from a war-torn land; however, our work is not any less important to the Kingdom.

Recently, when my church went on a mission trip to Baltimore City, I realized there was much to do right where I live. God has work for me as well. The harvest is indeed plentiful in my own backyard. All souls are precious to God and He calls us to be His hands and feet right where we are! This gave me a new perspective and renewed desire to keep serving because it does matter!

Lord, bring out the laborers for the harvest here, there, and everywhere! Amen.

© 2019 Maritza Mejias-Ditzenberger

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