Friday, December 26, 2014


…But do not overlook this fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day 2 Peter 3:8 (ESV).

As humans we are tied to time. What time is that appointment? What’s the date today? How old will I be next year?
Forget the last question.

Christians count years using the birth and death of Jesus as our markers. After every twelve months, we celebrate the beginning of a new year.

It is a custom among many to make some changes when a new year begins. We resolve to act on something we believe to be important. However, we often procrastinate and push the action date forward until the first day of the  new year.

God is eternal. He has no use for a clock, or a calendar or any other equipment that measures time. He has no beginning and no end. He is above time.

Whether we keep postponing a healthier lifestyle, or a closer walk with our Lord, we do not have to wait until the New Year.
Our God is always available to His children.

His compassion is steadfast. He is always there, waiting to commune with us, to direct us, to forgive us and to salve our hurts. He is open twenty four hours a day. Every day of our earth bound years, He hears our resolutions, requests, confessions and pleas then assists us when we ask.

Heavenly Father, time and eternity are in Your hands. What a blessing that You are always here for us. Thank You that Your children are never alone, and Your eternal, timeless goodness is always available.

© Christy Struben 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014


The air is peaceful, cold and still.
The stars twinkle in the night.
The cat slinks in the shadows
While birds twitter in the moonlight. this really Christmas?

People hurry downtown shopping,
Their purchases piling high.
Nervous voices loudly chatter,
Weary as the hours fly by. this really Christmas?

Footsteps treading through the snow,
A deliberate, peaceful walk,
Into church to kneel and worship.
There is no need to talk. really Christmas!

(c) 2014  E. Bonnie Ryan

Friday, December 12, 2014


“By His great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” I Peter 1:3b (RSV).

Sleep evaded me. After tossing all night, scrambling my covers, I gave up trying.  Wearing myself out with nursing, cursing and rehearsing my miseries, I leaped out of bed, angry and totally consumed. I prayed, “Oh Lord. Help! I don’t know how to pray anymore.”
After a terrible argument with her father, my daughter had run away and I couldn’t find her. Their angry words still cut into my heart. She has been gone two days. I’ve called all her friends. No one knew of her whereabouts.

Around 4:00 a.m. I went to my sewing room and sat in the dark, in tears, in an old arm chair.

Sitting quietly in the dark wallowing in sadness, I heard a bird sing. Soon there was a cacophony of bird songs, sounding like hundreds. The sun started to offer a faint light in the sky. Their songs welcomed the dawn. They sang while it was still dark. Their faith in the unseen soothed my troubled spirit. Then it dawned on me­­ it’s Christmas morning. The world was dark with sin before Jesus came.

I prayed and birds sang. We were an odd chorus, but one filled with Living Hope because of Jesus. Tears were behind my eyes all day and prayers for protection never left my lips. My Lord came for the lost.

Around noon, a call came from my neighbor informing me my daughter was at her house.  Thank you, Jesus. You are my Christmas. Because of You, I have Living Hope, not worthless expectations.
Dear Jesus, my Living Hope, my times are in your hands. Amen
©2014  Lois Gosley

Friday, December 5, 2014


I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as  snakes and as innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16 (NIV).

My 26 year old grandson, Zechariah, approaches acting with a seriously perfectionistic attitude.

On a recent opening night, his mother and I had a hard time watching him moving around on stage in a dinner jacket that was two times too big. We were convinced that a larger actor had traded jackets.

Zechariah chose to ignore the issue. He was shrewd enough to know that the goal was to provide an excellent performance. For that to happen there needed to be peace among cast members so they could act and sing in harmony.

I was reminded of Christ's command to be shrewd yet innocent.

Jesus walked the Earth in guileless innocence yet He held the future in the palm of His hands. He gently answered detractors with a shrewdness that left them speechless.

Our Lord sends us into the world to witness as His disciples with a warning and directions. He warns us to be aware of the evil wolfish attitudes we will encounter. He directs us to be as shrewd as He was when employing the wisdom of scripture.

He is our model.

Our goal--to successfully bring others to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Lord, as we go into the world to witness help us to keep our eyes on the prize by being gentle but knowledgeable...innocent but shrewd and always aware of the goal.

(C) Christy Struben