Friday, January 26, 2018


No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope. Acts 2:26 (NLT)
I choose to watch or listen to the news once each day and even that experience can be overwhelming. I grow discouraged in my spirit. We hear the stories of violence around the world, of perpetrators who have no regard for life, the barrage of slanderous remarks, one against the other, plus the unending reports of overdoses. My spirit groans in sorrow.
How can we be about doing our Father’s work if our spirits are inundated with the darkness of this world? 
I am a Warrior Princess of the Most High God, having accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  My eyes, from morning to night, are focused on Jesus. He dwells within me, and I search for opportunities to penetrate this dark world with His Light.
This world is indeed broken and this breaks God’s heart. According to His Word, He desires His people, all who proclaim Jesus as their Savior, to bring Hope into the world. When you feel overwhelmed by the darkness of this world, focus on God’s Word, recalling His promises. Set aside time each day to commune with God in prayer and silence, allowing Him to speak to your heart.  He is faithful and will reveal His path to you. Then, take action!
When our hearts are filled with God’s hope, we will be His hands and feet in our communities and around the world, singing His praises and sharing His love.
Father, have Your way with us. Fill us beyond our wildest expectations with Your love and direct us into our communities so we may abundantly pour out Your love, hope and peace. 
© 2018 Marianne Lucot

Friday, January 19, 2018


Hear my cry, O God;
    listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
    I call as my heart grows faint;
    lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 61:1-2 (NIV)

Where are you Lord, when the dysfunction of our government is paraded before the world like cheap reality television?

Where are you Lord, when our veterans who served faithfully to protect our freedoms are forgotten?

Where are you Lord, when people exploit one another for financial gain?

Where are you Lord, when we stare in horror at the carnage of the latest victims to the evil of terrorism?

Where are you Lord, when businesses treat your children and creation callously—discarding them without a care, like equipment that has served its useful life?

Where are you Lord, when our families are grieving over the loss of our children to illness, drugs and suicide?

Where are you Lord, when our politicians live by their own set of rules at the expense of the people they serve?

Where are you Lord, when our justice system fails and the lawless are set free to prey upon the innocent and our children—children who look to us to protect them from harm?

Where are you Lord, when we put our hope in the things of the world instead of in You?

Where are you Lord, when life is not viewed as sacred?

Where are you Lord? Are You crying too?

Sovereign Lord, with broken hearts we cry out to You to heal Your people and heal Your land. Lead us back to You, our hope at the end of hopelessness.

Come Lord Jesus, come.

© 2017 Amy A. Verzi

Friday, January 12, 2018


If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile to me, then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.
 Leviticus 26:27(NIV)

Wow! This foretells disaster for the person or nation that persists in being hostile toward God!

This morning I awoke to a gentle rain. American life and commerce proceed calmly and efficiently as we enjoy the blessings of freedom established long ago. Yet in many ways I see in the newspapers and public forum a nation divided, many indifferent, if not hostile, to the God of the Bible.

 I wonder.

 God is also extremely loving. He invites us into a relationship of love. God even sent His Son, Jesus, who told us, If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete (John 15:10-11).

 Leviticus is Old Testament and was proclaimed under the Old Covenant. But God still seeks a loving relationship with us. Those who are “hostile” toward God clearly have no part in the New Covenant in Jesus’ blood. What about indifference? God is the judge of where the line is, but if a nation or person must wonder where they stand, they may be in trouble. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

Jesus went to the cross to invite us into a loving relationship. For those who will receive it, God’s love is the most real and joyful aspect of our existence.

Lord, I’m listening. Lead me in paths that honor You.

 © 2017 Parker Wayland

Friday, January 5, 2018


For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (RSV)

Solomon gives us pause to reflect on our own journey through life by developing a more personal relationship with our Creator. A good way to do this is to restructure our path through the year.

September should be the start of our year, refocusing our energy in work, school, and church, revitalizing our core human existence of vocation, education, and spiritualization.

This focus of our fall quest prepares us for the greatest gift by our Creator, His Son, born in a cold cave, but with a bright star, lighting His triumphal entry into human history.

Winter is a season of praise and thanksgiving for this miraculous event while preparing us for God’s next great intervention—the Easter Event.

Here God allows His great Christmas gift of life and hope to dim and die a painful human death. In three days God shows us the way out of our sorrow by bringing His Light back to life for all to see and rejoice in the resurrection of new life in His Son, Jesus the Christ.

The summer season is a time to rest and reflect upon these incredible miracles of God breaking into our earthly existence, and showing us the best way to live, and the true way to go home—with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

When we come back to the fall season, it’s time to shout out “Happy New Year” and Prepare ye the way of the Lord. 
Mark 3:1 (RSV)

Heavenly Father, lead us through our seasons of life with Your guiding light and love.

© 2017 David Le Kites