Friday, November 27, 2015


And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 (NAS)

This morning I had an appointment with a wonderful counselor. He is world renowned and the top authority in all he does, and yet no advanced scheduling was necessary.

So unlike me when meeting someone, my need was so pressing, that I rushed to talk with him before showering or even brushing my teeth. More amazing still, he made house calls and was already waiting for me in a quiet corner of my room.

I sat before him broken, weeping without words. He heard my heart and comforted me. He did not judge, only wrapped my ache with the healing warmth of His love.

There was no ticking clock on the wall to signal when time was up.

Minutes flew by as regrets, sadness, fears and disappointments were lifted from my heart. Mercifully left in their place was joy, hope, peace and love.

For such an exchange surely I would have to empty my bank account or take out a loan to pay—gladly.

Perhaps most incredible of all, my Wonderful Counselor said, "Your debt has been paid in full. Jesus paid it all."

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NAS)

Father, I lift my hands in praise that You ARE my Wonderful Counselor who is the one and only Mighty God, strong enough to take away my burdens and forgive my sin. Your love for me is eternal, as You are my Eternal Father. You are my Prince of Peace who can quell all my fear and distress.
I thank You by giving You my heart. Amen.

Friday, November 20, 2015


Let us come before Him with thanksgiving, and extol Him with music and song. Psalm 95:2 (NIV).


We're giving thanks to God above
For the abundance we have and His sweet love,
A love so intense that His Son He gave,
So we could grow closer, our souls to save.

We're giving thanks for our ancestors, too,
For the hardships and work they had to do.
We give thanks for the natives who helped them survive,
Who brought food and medicines that kept them alive.

The lessons they learned sank deep inside.
On the wagons of success they were happy to ride.
Every year a celebration was held in the fall,
To give thanks to God from one and all.

Today we remember the way it began,
When natives helped strangers in a new land.
We give thanks to God for showing the way,
To live together this Thanksgiving Day.

© 2015 Evelyn B. Ryan

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. Psalm 91:14 (RSV)

 Remember how excited we were as parents when our babies took their first steps. We were so thrilled, we called everyone.

Not growing up in church, the only reason I went to a healing service was out of curiosity. Did the people really get knocked down? Totally overwhelmed with the service, I realized I needed God. I accepted the altar call. Did God call Angels Gabriel and Michael, and joyfully say, “My baby took her first steps today?”

Then I responded “Yes” to a neighbor’s invitation to join Community Bible Study. My heart was like a sponge soaking in the Word of God. Did God call his Heavenly Hosts, saying, “My little girl’s going to school now.”

Then I felt drawn to volunteer at a nursing home, becoming a Candy Striper. I refreshed each residents’ water daily. Did God call his Angels and say, “My girls got a job serving others.”

Community Bible Study offered me the position of Childens’ Director, and I accepted--directing teachers and children in the Children Program for ten years. Did God call Gabriel proudly announcing, “My child is teaching my babies.”

Can you imagine God’s eagerness as a loving parent as He views our spiritual walk? When the time comes for me to go to my heavenly home, I’ll get a new name. “I will also give to each one who wins the victory a white stone with a new name written on it.” (Rev. 2:17) Earthly fathers give pet names to their children—what name has God have for you? I pray mine's "Obedient."

 Thank you Lord for being my Loving Father, protecting and guiding and forgiving me when I fall short. I love you, too. Amen.

 (c) 2015 Lois Gosley

Friday, November 6, 2015


Things which eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those that love Him. I Corinthians 2:9 (NAS)

 Early one morning I opened the blinds in my bedroom and was greeted with a blast of color. The bright gold leaves on the trees and the carpet of fallen ones in our yard dazzled me with such brilliance that it almost hurt my eyes. Our entire yard appeared to be bathed in gold. It was practically glowing. Immediately, the verse "How manifold are thy handiworks, O Lord," came to my mind.

It was surprising and wonderful and almost overwhelming. The golden moment brought an early morning reminder of the marvelous gifts the Lord has in store for those who love Him. During unanticipated moments, in unexpected ways He blesses us each day. We only need the eyes to recognize His works.

In the same way we would do well with eyes that are continually looking beyond our possessions and attachments to this world, focusing instead on things eternal. Words spoken, deeds done, encouragement given that would lead another to know Christ as Savior, these are the things that have eternal significance.
Our Heavenly Father has promised that in Heaven He has prepared an unimaginable place for those who love Him. We’ve never seen nor heard or could ever possibly imagine what He has planned. When we view everything we do in the face of eternity our priorities will automatically fall into step with the Father and hopefully lead others to seek Him.

Loving Father, thank You for giving us glimpses of the wonderful things You have in store for us. Give us a heart to lead others to You. Amen.
© 2015 Bonnie Mae Evans